Tomato and Chorizo Stew

Hi all,

Just a quick recipe which for once is controversially not dedicated to a Spurs player.

In this actual recipe I decided to try something that's not been done by myself and that's using raw salt in my cooking or raw oil. Basically not sprinkling sea salt during and after cooking and using oil to grill or sautee.

Here's the equipment that you'll need first....

One griddle pan and one heavy duty frying pan or non stick, it doesn't really matter....I didn't do the washing up!

The ingredients chopped up roughly of cause...this will serve 4 as a side dish or 2 as a main course should take 12-20 minutes....

One large courgette (Zucchini)
One large finely diced red onion
One torn up red pepper, green or yellow?
A big chunk of Chorizo (important) or any Paprika sausage
One clove of garlic
Cayenne Pepper
Smoked Paprika
Ground black pepper
Umami powder
Teaspoon of Oregano
Tin of 400g chopped tomatos
Teaspoon of honey or Golden Syrup
A splash of water
A good lug of Worcester sauce

OK, get the griddle pan nice and hot and throw on the peppers and courgettes...keep your eye on them

In the other pan throw in the chopped Chorizo and release the oils and paprika into the pan then throw in the onions...fry them slowly.....and the garlic...

Now throw in the Cumin, Cayenne Pepper and Oregano...stir this about and then add the worchester sauce, honey/golden syrup stir it and add the water and slowly reduce....stir when it's near to nothing...then add the tomatoes and add the grilled vegetables (these should be charred, but this is going to give it another flavour. (Don't worry mine were charred big time!)....keep reducing and do this till it's heated through, the honey should thicken it nicely...otherwise reduce till you like it.

It came out like this, season with the Umami seasoning, ground pepper and smoked pepper....the Umami is important because it has lemon, garlic, anchovy, balsamic vinegar and other seasonings...this replaces the salt further to keep this as healthy as possible...

I finished it off with some 0% yoghurt and coriander....serve it with tortilla bread if you like or however you please....

Hope this was useful, main thing is try the grilled veg with out the oil as it's so much healthier for you without the's not rocket science and if you want to use Salt? do it! This might be a better option for younger children or people with high blood pressure.

Thanks for reading, if you do try please tweet me a picture @martin_harte 

This was for somebody on just Chicken and rice....I hope you like it

And of course! #COYS!!!


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