A V B 'Portugese Peri Peri' Chicken

Hi all! It's been a while since I've written a blog! Thanks though to a few of you whose giving and given me ideas, but I don't think a horse sh!t sandwich in respect to Arsenal's efforts last Sunday are appropriate! lol

Anyway you'll rarely get me bashing Arsenal on this blog....(yeah right!) or Paul Merson who thinks we'll lose to Liverpool on Sunday! Not saying we won't, because I respect the club...but it's rich of him to say that since he predicted we'd lose to Utd, Arsenal and AVB would be sacked by Christmas! Better more the great thing about all this is that we are 3rd in the league (don't get me wrong it could be better! As point distance from Chelski could go....) but we are being positive and producing some great team performances!!

Obviously the players have had a lot to do with the position we are in, but let's not forget the man who was given a rough time by pundits and by our own fans!! (for shame!!!!) Obviously everyone has a right to their own opinion, however if you had researched the man's history he was only given the position of a top four side after a year of turning a struggling Portugese side to a strong mid table team! Say what you wish, yes the Portugese league is maybe not as strong as the English! But taking anyone over with a years experience and doing the treble is not to be sneezed at....then he went to Chelski (spit) the year after and let's say the rest is history!

Anyway AVB was never a footballer so he obviously never played for a team! Even at 21 he had to lie about his age to manage an International side!! Being Mourinho's number 2 was like learning to be a Jedi off Yoda!!

Here is my first way of tribute and if you don't try the chicken, please try the rice I was very impressed and it keeps for about 3 days in the fridge after! Obviously make sure the rice is pipping hot or you'll be sick!

Here's the ingredients you'll need for 4 (just use one chicken breast if it's for one, store the peri peri marinade).....

4 Chicken Breasts (Butterfield opened or bashed down in a plastic sandwich bag to speed up cooking)
70 ml White wine vinegar
200 ml of Olive Oil or Rapeseed
2 peeled garlic cloves
A good pinch of lemon or normal thyme
zest of one lime and half the juice
Salt and Pepper
4 scotch bonnet chillies

OK this is simple...

Throw all the ingredients apart from the chicken into a food processor or mini blender and blitz till it's nice and pureed. And thrown over the chicken for two hours or overnight or store in a sterilised container for a week in the fridge...

Here's what to do for the rice....

one cup of Basmati or long grain rice
tbsp turmeric
tbsp cumin seeds
tbsp chilli powder
one veg or chicken stock cube (and??!!)

In a pot fry the rice for four minutes till it's nice and golden...for every one cup, use twice that of hot water and throw in with the rice...now try in the turmeric, cumin seeds, chilli powder and stock cube...now simmer with lid on for 10 minutes, might need longer though.

In another frying pan....

one green pepper
one hand full of garden peas
one 400g tin of black eyed peas, Adzuki or black beans (drained)
Garlic (optional)
One red or green chilli
tsp garam masala
Hot water
A bottle of your favourite hot sauces (use how you feel, but two tablespoons is usually sufficient)
Salt and pepper

Ok start frying off the green pepper, peas and beans.....

Add the garlic if you are using it and keep frying....

Ok now throw in the chillis and season! Chuck in a spalsh of water and chuck in the garam masala and two tablespoons of the hot sauce...not sure why they use this but hey the Vindaloo is heavily influenced by the Portugese!

OK now the rice should be done, as in all the water should be absorbed and the rice is cooked....

Chuck this in with the peas....and fry till it starts smelling spicy, add more hot sauce if you want?

Now the rest is simple....BBQ, griddle, in a pan or bung the breast/s in the oven at 180? Who cares just get it cooked!

Make sure that griddle is nice and hot!! You want to get a nice colour on it...

And that's it really?? Plate it up? Obviously better than I did...

And that's it really?? If you want squeeze the other half of the lime over the breast or breasts do it?

Obviously this is my interpretation and it probably isn't the authentic recipe, but oh well!! Give it a go let me know what you thought of it and taste the components! Does it need more hot sauce, does it need more chilli or vinegar. It's your taste, these are just guidelines. Apart from that, it's Liverpool Sunday. #COYS

Follow me on  twitter @martin_harte for Spurs or food talk

Oh and here's a bit of AVB at him passionate self...

Say no more!! Think he needs to be a bit more happier when we win though!!!?? lol

Cheers all!


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