Mark 'The Rib Man' Gevaux.......It's Rib time!!
Sunday was a blooming adventurous day! I managed to get down to Brick Lane in East what is so exciting about Brick Lane I hear you ask?....Well apart from the many varieties of ethnic food markets on offer (which is obviously a paradise to foodies), it has a well know gentleman by the name of Mark 'The Rib Man' Gevaux. He is the owner of the brand 'The Rib Man'
Here he is with me....

Mark is very passionate about his ribs and so he should be! They are meaty and the taste is more intense than the watery rubbish which is kept in supermarkets so they can keep their shelf life. Now obviously I live in the real world! I only say the shop brought are rubbish because that is my opinion. Now I have tried proper reared pork from a butchers before and after tasting these Ribs it reminded me of how much of a difference the quality is!
For the three racks of Ribs, I tried one simply salt and pepper, one with a rub and glaze and one with his secret weapon 'Holy F*ck' sauce lol
Now let me tell you about the sauce! WOW.....I mean WOW!!! You get a nice herby, fruity, Chilli.......WOW!!! Holy F*ck there is a party in my mouth! Call the neighbours!!
Yes it's rightfully name!! This is awesome! It brings vibrancy, power and a real wake up to all your senses! Taste, smell and feel, as in it's like energy rushing in your system! Yeah Baby!!
Get a roasting tray and pre heat a oven to 170 to 180 degrees cent.
OK here is the rub. The rub is one tsp of dried thyme, one tsp fennel seeds, one tsp oregano, one tbsp paprika, half tbsp of cumin and a light seasoning of pepper.

Right now rub those spices all over the one rack or two just double the quantities or three just....oh you know! And leave for about an hour or two? Or over night? It'll just penetrate into the meat more....but these ribs are so good they didn't really need too much help, I just want an extra taste to compliment the excellent pork.
With the third rib I just poured a even amount of the Holy F*ck sauce on the ribs...and BRUSHED it on!!
This is seriously chilified! Please don't touch it then your eyes, nose or go to the bathroom! Either wear gloves or brush it on like I did....well actually I did it with a spoon, but you get my point?
OK, now throw them into the roasting tray and cover over with tin foil....and cook them longggggggg and slllloooooowwwww one and a half hours will do nicely.
Right once they are done get your BBQ started, especially if you are using wood or coal. I rested these ribs for 10-15 minutes just to let the meat relax.....
OK, now I said I did a glaze? OK, get a jar and put in two bay leaves (optional) 6 tablespoons of ketchup, three tablespoons of Worcester sauce, two tablespoons of honey, one tsp of paprika, one tsp chilli powder and one tablespoon of light soy sauce, if you have dark use half! Stir it up and put a lid on and shake it, get a brush and don't forget to keep the Holy F*ck sauce nearby!
OK, now if you don't know how to BBQ here is a tip.....get the coals glowing and not blazing fact they shouldn't be glowing they should be white hot!!! Hold your hand ten centimetres above the grill and count 1......2.......3......ouch? Then you are ready! If you have cherry or apple wood chuck a few nuggets on! This will give a nice these ribs are cooked you only want to get a nice char....not burn! Lift the grill with a glove or the tongs and move the coals away and put just a minimum amount so you are not causing any direct heat where you are placing the ribs....OK you're ready, put the grill back on a whack the ribs on! If you're using a gas BBQ like I did? Just put the flame on medium high....
Paint the glaze over the ribs with the rub.....and smoother it! And do so with the Holy F*ck sauce on the ribs with that sauce on it....Now keep the ribs on, and turn every minute or so and re this about two to three times...
Now they should be nicely coloured and ready!
You can eat this how you like? I serve it up with chips, coleslaw, pickled chilli and......Homemade Holy F*ck sauce. Just tomato ketchup and Holy F*ck sauce! Awesome!! I even put mayonnaise with this Holy F*ck ketchup to make a thousand island sauce!!! Wish I had some shrimp at the time!
This sauce is very versatile! The ribs are awesome as well! What more could you want!?
You can do what you want a jacket potato even to keep it healthier? And also some salad?
So what next? Well I think a nice walk down Brick Lane on a nice Sunday is worth while or ask the man himself where is next? @theribman on can ever order via the internet
Thank you for reading....and thank you to The Rib Man for providing the awesome ribs and Chilli sauce! And when you do see him....try his ribs, his are much better! They are melt in your mouth.....succulent! Great pork ribs go a long way!! So take your girl friend, wife, boyfriend, husband, partner......fling and say hello....
And if you ever do try mine or do your own? Let me know how you get on, contact me @spurs_cook
Many thanks again for reading.......bless you all!
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