Basa-song with Mediterranean flavours

Hey all!

I thought it's been a long while since I did a blog? So while shopping I saw some great this may be controversial but it was frozen fish!

I decided to buy this because it was 4 fillets in each bag and it was 2 for a fiver, but other than that it was a fish that I could make a tribute to.........Sebastian Bassong. I know just follow the recipe.....

Well it's an assembly more than anything so use the ideas if you like....

You'll need two frozen fillets of Basa
50g of cherry tomatoe
Handful of black olives (with stones)
A small bunch of Basil
1 tsp Oregano
Salt and Pepper to taste
Unwaxed Lemon

OK, get some grease proof paper.....layer the frozen fish or fresh fish and half the cherry tomatoes (cut in half) on the fish. Sprinkle the oregano and salt and pepper on top and grate half the zest and squeeze the same half on the fish.
Wrap the fish up and throw in a preheated oven for half an hour (if frozen) half the time if frozen! (but check it with a knife in the thickest part)
Once it's done rip open the paper and throw on the other halved Tomatoes and tear up the basil and throw them squash the olives and release the seasoning and throw on top of the fish (careful of the seasoning as Olives are obviously salty). Squeeze over the rest of the lemon and zest the lemon on top.

Mine looked like this, but yours I know will come out better!
It's a nice idea and fresh tasting.....

Anyway here is a tribute to Bassong! I hope you enjoy....

I did try I promise....this is the best I could find! 


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