Aubergine Parmagano

Another blog is here!

I brought some Aubergines, Tomato Passatta and Mozzarella and thought what could be done with this?

I decided to do a simple Aubergine Parmagano...

What you will need is

Two white or red onions (finely diced)
Two clove of Garlic
A pinch of dried chilli
A tbsp Tomato puree (paste)
A tbsp Chilli Oil
Two Aubergines (Sliced and salted in a sieve to drain the bitterness)
500g Tomato Passatta
Stick of Cinnamon
Bay leaf
Two hand full of Cheese
A ball of Mozzarella
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Tablespoon of Balsamic Vinegar
A tablespoon of Oregano
A bunch of fresh Basil
A handful of breadcrumbs

OK, start frying your onion in a good glug of olive oil and slowly fry for ten minutes

While the onions are softly frying chuck in the chopped up Garlic and start dry grilling the discs of Aubergine for 2 minutes each side, make sure it's very hot!

The onions will be going golden. Add the spices (Cinnamon, Bay Leaf and dried Chilli) add the chilli paste & Tomato Puree the cook this out, add the Oregano, Balsamic Vinegar then
...throw the Tomato Passatta in and bring to a simmer and leave to keep warm,

Start layering up the Aubergines in a roasting tray to fit..then pour 3/4 tables spoon

Grate over some Parmesan, a few blobs of Mozzarella and tear up some fresh Basil. Continue till you are out of Auberine and finish with Tomato sauce on the top.

Grate more all the rest of the Parmesan and Mozzarella then the bread crumbs. 

Throw into the oven and cover with foil for 15 minutes...then take the foil off till and take it out once golden.

Ideally leave to stand for 10 or 15 minutes so the whole thing sets, then serve on it's own or a salad?

If you like this, give it a try? And remember to send photos to @spurs_cook on Twitter.

Thanks for reading again...see you soon


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