#familyfoodies Vegetarian Cannelloni

Back again!

This recipe was kinda influence by a chef actually Vegetables mashed up squeezed into Cannelloni tubes.

This is the ingredients that you will need and yes there is a lot of prep but it's worth it! And after many months, this has been put to some use by being shared with #familyfoodies

One large Courgette
One large Carrot
3 cloves of garlic
7 Mushrooms
One Large leek
One fresh Chilli (use a small pepper if your kids are delecate
One dried Chilli
3 Anchovies (put the rest in the freezer)
One bottle of Tomato Passata
Swig of Red Vinegar
One Lemon (Zest)
Small tub of Creme Fraiche
A twig of Thyme
10 tubes of dried Cannelloni
One tsp Fennel Seeds
Salt and Pepper

Firstly preheat the oven to 190 degrees....

OK grate the Courgette, Carrots and Leek in a processor or by hand.

Fry off the dried Chilli, garlic and Anchovies

Throw in the grated veg and sweat off in some oil for about 10 to 15 minutes or until they are soft....add the fresh chopped chilli and fennel seeds and cook for another three minutes.

Open the bottle of Passata and throw in a swig of red wine vinegar, Salt and Pepper close the lid and shake it.

Once the vegetables are sweated down put on a plate and leave to cool down.

Once cooled down put into a sandwich bag or piping bag....

Just like this and if you do have any left over, use this in a vegetarian bolognese?

Pour the Passata in a roasting tin...and then squeeze the veg mixture into the tubes or do it by spoon.

Put the tub of Crème Fraiche into a bowl and add a little milk to loosen....

Pour the Crème Fraiche onto the top and remember you can use Bechamel, but this is a lot quicker

Grate the Parmesan on top and tear up the Mozzarella

Now throw into the oven for 40 minutes or until bubbling and golden (If it's going gold too quickly throw tin foil on top)

Once this is done, leave to cool down and eat....have a go yourself! Serve with a nice salad and a glass of white wine and when you've pulled you can thank me on @spurs_cook on twitter! Don't forget to send me a picture too!


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