Swallow Chartiy July Competition: Duck with a honey and oats crust served with Berries compote

Hey everyone!

My blog's have been very limited since I have started my new job. I'm loving every second though, but like I say it does toll on your blog's lol

I did manage to dedicate my time to one special cause though....#recipesforlife

It's very close to my heart as I admit I don't do much for charity as I would like to, so contributing to this lovely monthly challenge is right up my avenue.

This month the three ingredients to use was Oats, Honey and Berries. I'm not much of a baker so baking was out, but the three ingredients apart from the oats I knew would go with duck? So as for the Oats that was just a gamble I thought I'd take.

If you are going to serve some New Potatoes and greens with this like I did, start to softly boil the New Potatoes now.

Turn your oven to 220 degrees centigrade or 200 on a fan assisted.

But otherwise first off I got the duck or ducks in my case out. I scored the duck so all the fat could render out and seasoned nicely(and don't throw that fat away!) I then put the duck into a non-stick frying pan and turned the heat up to a medium high.

Once the fat started to render I moved the duck breasts around so it didn't stick to the pan and timed 8-9 minutes and poured out any excessive fat into a Pyrex bowl during that period. Now flip your breasts over and fry for 30 seconds and take out and throw into a roasting tray to cook for 15 minutes for medium or 18 for well done.

Now in a small pan, throw in the berries of your choice and a few tablespoons of water. Chuck in a smidge of honey, salt and pepper and slowly simmer then down but try to keep some shape to the berries.

Just as the duck is 8 minutes to finish, pour over some honey (to taste) and then scatter liberally the porridge oats and return to the over.
Pour out the potatoes and let them steam for a second or two and then chuck them into the pan that the duck was cooked in and some off the rendered out fat....these are going to be crispy and golden! Keep and eye on them.

Once the duck is cooked to the timings, take them out of the roasting tray and cover with tin foil to rest for 10 minutes and chuck the potatoes into the same roasting tray to collect the rich juices and cook during the time the duck rests.

With four to six minutes left, cook some green of your choice like Broccoli, Pok Choi, Asparagus or Mange tout?

Pour out the resting juices into the berries with a little more honey if it needs it, salt and pepper and some mint.

Once the potatoes are done you can serve up, cut the duck at any angle and pour the berries compote on the serving plate and place the duck onto it.

I hope you enjoy this recipe and if you do try it, please send us a picture to me @spurs_cook , @SWALLOWcharity and @BangerMashChat

Thank you for reading this and please attempt one of their challenges, your support would be appreciated more than you would know.


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