Swallow Chartiy July Competition: Duck with a honey and oats crust served with Berries compote

Hey everyone! My blog's have been very limited since I have started my new job. I'm loving every second though, but like I say it does toll on your blog's lol I did manage to dedicate my time to one special cause though....#recipesforlife It's very close to my heart as I admit I don't do much for charity as I would like to, so contributing to this lovely monthly challenge is right up my avenue. This month the three ingredients to use was Oats, Honey and Berries. I'm not much of a baker so baking was out, but the three ingredients apart from the oats I knew would go with duck? So as for the Oats that was just a gamble I thought I'd take. If you are going to serve some New Potatoes and greens with this like I did, start to softly boil the New Potatoes now. Turn your oven to 220 degrees centigrade or 200 on a fan assisted. But otherwise first off I got the duck or ducks in my case out. I scored the duck so all the fat could render out and seaso...