Chicken Pesto Pasta

Hi everyone, Another blog and I appear to be on a role! I decided to do one on a traditional Pesto with a twist, yes with a twist. Before anyone from an Italian family starts criticising, I know it's not the traditional recipe. Anyway here is my version: Pesto: 3 regular bags of Basil (leave some for serving) Small handful of Sunflower seeds 2 Garlic cloves (roughly chopped) Salt and Pepper 250 ml of Extra Virgin Olive Oil 50g of Parmesan Cheese or Peccorino (leave some for serving) 2 green Chillis 100g Pasta 20 g of shredded cooked Chicken or one Chicken Breast OK, it's this easy! Throw the Basil, Sunflower seeds, Garlic cloves, green chillis and Parmesan into a blitzer and blitz. Now season and pour some Olive Oil into the mixture and keep adding till you have consistency that is still thick but you are still able to pour. Now season and pour some Olive Oil into the mixture and keep adding till you have consistency that is still thick but ...